Thank you for all your support over the last 2 plus years. In this short amount of time we've been able to grow from an online only company to a full fledge brick and mortar store with our own printing equipment and other t-shirt making items.
While we have spent the last 12 months looking, finding and getting our retail space people ready. It's time to turn our attention into refreshing our website and making the experience from web to in-person more cohesive.
Besides freshening up the appearance of the website we also are adding a couple new features that will hopefully provide users more flexibility in how they interact with our products.
The first is in-store pickup. Currently only a small portion of our catalog is available for in-store pickup. We have to migrate each existing product manually to make this happen. It's a slow process, but one that needs to be done. If you are getting an error on the in-store pickup page, you can add a note and let us know you would like to pick it up.
The second feature we are adding is a custom t-shirt online option. This software will allow you to upload designs or images to have them printed on a t-shirt. Our custom options will be free to pickup in-store or incur a $5 shipping and handling charge to ship it.
Those are the major updates but many more to come. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us. We can be reached at support @ or miki @
Thank you for your continued support.